“Saint Michael Archistrategos” Church

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“Saint Michael Archistrategos” Church, the year 1844. Patrimony number 238. Monument of national value. It is located in Yaremche city, Dora hamlet, Kamianka Street.
Hutsul-style wooden church. A small two-level bell tower was kept near the church. Previously, in the 17th century, there was a place built of wood on this ground. In the 19th century, the parish became more numerous, so the church had to be rebuilt and enlarged. The old paintings were covered with colour, over which the walls were repainted. But to this day, the pictures have not kept their original appearance because they were restored by a local painter in the 50s of the 20th century.
The most important piece of “St. Michael’s” Church is an iconostasis from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, made of wood. The icons date from the 17th-19th centuries. They have a great artistic value and represent true masterpieces of Hutsul culture. The iconostasis is carved in wood and has four levels; the royal gates are older, and their character and composition can be related to the 18th century.

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