Daniil The Hermit’s cell

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Daniil The Hermit’s cell, code SV-II-m-B-05593. A monument of county (regional) value located in Putna commune, about 1.5 km from the monastery.
Sanctified by the Romanian Orthodox Church on June 20 or 21st, 1992, Daniil (name of the layman Dumitru) became a monk at the age of 16 and then retired as a janitor on the territory of the current commune Putna, on the bank of the stream Viteul.
Here he dug in the rock, before 1466, a chapel with nave, narthex and altar, and below the chapel an austere shelter. Today, the ensemble is known as “Daniil The Hermit’s cell” (9.25 m long and 2 m high).

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