Project title: «Development of cross-border cooperation in promoting objects of historical and cultural heritage in the cross-border territory of Romania and Ukraine» – HE-CROSS
EMS ENI CODE: 2SOFT / 2.1 / 91.
Within the framework of the “Joint Operational Program Romania – Ukraine 2014-2020” University of Suceava
Stefano cel Mare (USV) (main beneficiary) and Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical
University of Oil and Gas (IFNTUOG) (partner) since February 2020 is implementing the Project “Development of cross-border cooperation in promoting historical and cultural heritage sites in the cross-border area of Romania and Ukraine” – HE-CROSS, EMS ENI code 2SOFT / 2.1 / 91.
The project implementation period is 18 months, the total budget is 454,640.5 euros, of which the contribution of the European Union is 409,176.5 euros. The project is part of priority area 2.1 of the Program – preservation and promotion of historical and cultural heritage.
General objective of the Project:: to preserve and promote the cultural and historical heritage in the cross-border Romanian-Ukrainian area, support the developing of local culture, specific cultural identities and the cultural dialog between communities of Suceava County and Ivano-Frankivsk Region, and to increase awareness of the tourists for this heritage.
The Project team plans to draw public attention to historical and cultural heritage sites and thus help increase the tourist potential of the target area by creating and disseminating attractive and relevant information products, such as: virtual 3D tours of representative historical and cultural heritage sites, promotional videos, publications in English, Romanian and Ukrainian, interactive map of objects, etc. The results of laser 3D-scanning will help in conducting research and developing practical recommendations for the preservation, restoration and protection of historical and cultural heritage sites. An important result of the Project will be the renovated and modernly equipped premises of the Geological Museum of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, which will allow better research and educational and sightseeing activities for visitors from Ukraine and abroad. In addition, the museum will become a center for learning and development of students of both
Target groups include representatives of tour operators, travel agencies, tourist information centers, students.
The final beneficiaries of the Project are members of local communities on both sides of the border in the area of Suceava County and Ivano-Frankivsk region, tourists visiting Suceava County and Ivano-Frankivsk region, tour operators, travel agencies, tourist information centers, regional and local media.
The results of the Project can be used by a large number of institutions (museums, cultural, religious, educational), public authorities and local governments, NGOs, travel agencies to promote, study, restore, improve, develop the infrastructure of historical and cultural heritage sites. cross-border area.
Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava
Address: 13 University Str., Building E, 2nd Floor, 720229-Suceava, Romania
Project coordinator:
Stefan Purici
Project manager:
Harieta Sabol
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
Address: 15 Karpatska Street, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 76019
Project manager:
Mykola Prykhodko