“Saint Nicholas Church”

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“Saint Nicholas Church”, the year 1865. Patrimony number 803. Monument of local value. It is placed in Debeslavtsi village, Kolomyia district.
A Cattedratico of the Lviv Eparchy from 1680 mentions the existence of the church in Debeslavtsi. Probably it was located near the cemetery at that time. The next wooden church was erected in the middle of the 18th century on a new site, but it burned down in 1861. A year later, a new wooden church was built, which was consecrated in 1865. It functioned as a parish church. It is located in the centre of the village, not far from the cemetery. It has a cruciform plan and a single tower. The dependency and the altar are under the same roof. It has two entrances – from sunset and south. The small two-level wooden bell tower is located in the southern part of the church.

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