“Saint Onufrie” Church

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„Saint Onufrie” Church, code SV-II-m-A-05568.01. A monument of local (county) importance, initially located in the village of Mănăstioara (today part of the city of Siret), 43 km away from Suceava.
Orthodox church with a trefoil plan founded in 1673 by the Philo-Polish prince Ștefan Petriceicu (1672-1673; 1673-1674; 1683-1684), consecrated by Metropolitan Dosoftei of Moldavia, sanctified in 2005.
Prince Ștefan Petriceicu suggestively illustrates the Polish-Moldovan-Cossack brotherhood of arms in the 17th century: he helped Jan III Sobieski in the battle of Hotin in 1673. He retired to Poland and resumed the throne of Moldavia in 1683, supported by the Hetman of the Cossacks from Ukraine on the right bank of the Dnieper, Stefan Kunytskyi (1683-1684). He died in 1690 in Poland and is buried, together with his wife, in the 13th century Greek Catholic monastery “Saint Onufrie” in Lavriv, today Ukraine. The local tradition considers that Ștefan Petriceicu financially supported the reconstruction of this church.
Divided into the interior by the typical Byzantine porch, narthex, nave and altar, the church „Saint Onufrie” from Siret is considered by historians of medieval Moldavian architecture as a small-scale replica of the church of the Putna monastery.

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