Lord’s Resurrection Church

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Lord’s Resurrection Church, year 1700. Patrimony number 980. Monument of local value. Located in: Lypivka village, Tysmenytsia region.
The church is the oldest wooden place of worship that has been preserved in Tysmenytsia. It is known that at the end of the 17th century, the Holy Trinity Monastery was built in Lypivka, its architect being the founder of the church built around 1700. But the church did not belong to the monastery for too long, because after 44 years, the monastery was closed and the church came into possesion of the village. In the southwestern part of the church, the wooden bell tower with three levels was preserved.
At the beginning of the 19th century, during the repair of the church, a (new) dependency was built, and the roof and top of the church were covered with sheet-metal.
Closely related to the monastery’s history and the church is the miracle-working icon “Virgin Hodegetria”, painted at the end of the 17th century. Since 2000, the miracle-working icon can be found in the new church of St. Josaphat. On the 6th of July each year, the parishioners of Lypivka and the neighboring villages solemnly take the icon to the place of prayer where the miracle was performed, in the forest, next to an old oak tree, at the spring of the monastery, where the friary once stood.

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