The “Holy Trinity” Church

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The “Holy Trinity” Church, the year 1868. Patrimony number 1140/1. Monument of national value. It is located in Mykulychyn village, Yaremche Local Council.
A sacred historical building, the “Holy Trinity” Church was built in 1868. It with-stood floods and wars and miraculously managed to preserve the unique icon painted by master Kornyl Ustyianovych. The church is still open to parishioners.
The first documentary attestation of the church in Mykulychyn dates from 1700. Until it, a wooden church was behind the cemetery in Falchya, but in the 60s of the 18th century, it was destroyed by a strong wind.
The “Holy Trinity” Church, as it is called today, was built in 1868. The first service was held on the day of St. Paraskeva of the Balkans. The construction lasted for two years because the inhabitants could not decide on the place for the church. A compromise solution had to be found: in order to dispel any controversy, the church was erected in the centre of the village, on land belonging to the priest Gerasymovych.
According to a project developed by the engineer Chyaykovetsky, an architect in the Nadvirna district administration, the church was built on its own funds. Most of the Carpathians cult buildings were made exclusively in the national tradition and according to the parishioners’ imaginations. Each household in Mykulychyn undertook to build 3 meters of a stone wall or pay the value of this work to an “entrepreneur”.
The heavy floods of 1911 brought a lot of mud and garbage to the church. For several years in a row, the parishioners had to strengthen the foundation and the supporting elements. In addition, the church was covered with metal sheets and the bell tower with shingles. During the Second World War, the occupants stole the four silver bells. The largest of them weighed 5 tons. According to the local elders, the ringing of these bells could be heard tens of kilometres away!
All sides of the building, except the lower level of the exterior facades, are covered with a metal sheet. On the west side, a drum is attached. In the southwestern part of the ensemble rises the old three-level bell tower, restored to its original appearance. The construction is of interest due to the combination of the carcass-carved wood structure (the first level – carved wood, the second level – carcass and the third – vaulted gallery).
At first, the crosses on the bulbous domes of the church were made of wood, but in 1929 they were replaced by metal crosses. These crosses beautify the church to this day.
In 1988, during the restoration work, another icon painted by Kornyl Ustyianovych, a well-known painter of the second half of the 19th century, was discovered under the canvas of an icon, the works of which are mostly preserved in the Lviv Art Gallery.

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